My key information posts
For most potential or current emergency services officers there are two questions people normally want to know. Are there jobs available and what are the qualifications I need.
This site and information is provided by an operations manager running the fire and rescue section of a large employer providing fire, medical and security services to clients throughout Australia.
One of the key questions many people have is will there be work available to me if I invest in the qualifications.
With work across many parts of Australia from gas processing plants to coal and minerals mining there are more opportunities than employees.
Everyone comes from different backgrounds with many potential ESO’s having emergency response experience from the military or fire services.
For individuals new to the industry and for those looking to explore the options with their previous experience, get clear advice by clicking on this section.
Recent posts
Some of the recent posts from Emergency Services Officer.
Preparation Tips for Mines Rescue Training
Mining Emergency Roles: Key Expectations and Skills
Fitness for Mine Emergency Response Teams
Qualifications required
Work Opportunities

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